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Update: 10th February 2022

In Stores

We continue to follow government guidance, with additional hygiene products available in our stores, and extra cleaning taking place, to maintain excellent standards for customers and employees.

Face coverings are no longer mandatory in England, though we are happy to respect the choice of individuals, with staff willing to wear masks, and provide to customers, on request.

Web Shop & Online Orders

The online shop is operating as usual, shipping Face Masks, Gift Vouchers, Ready to Wear Clothing and Accessories, worldwide.

We are operating in line with advice from local authorities and the World Health Organisation, ensuring all appropriate health and hygiene standards are adhered to in respect of processing, packaging and shipping orders.

Contact Us

We will continue doing our utmost to serve our customers to the highest possible standards throughout this entire period of uncertainty and change. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us if you have any queries or concerns. Most importantly, we wish you all continued good health and hope to see you soon.